Archives: The Universal Love Language

LoveLanguagesRecently I was asked about my love languages and had no idea what they were. So I took the test and discovered that I interpret love through Acts of Service and Quality Time. No surprises there! I’m all about showing verses telling. People can say anything but what they do is what matters most. I’m also a big believer that how someone chooses to spend their time is a good indication of what they value. You can’t love me and have to pencil me into your schedule. Loving me means making me a priority. Not the only priority but definitely a priority. Continue reading “Archives: The Universal Love Language”


I don’t know why I still get so amazed at how God speaks to me. It starts with me noticing something that is so common place and seeing it through a new perspective. It’s like I have new or child-like eyes that are trying to process something that, on a normal day, I would walk by without a glance. Let me paint the picture for you…

smartcar1Everyday I go to work, I park in the same garage. I can admit, I’m not the most fond of the parking attendant and it often drives me nuts when I’m unable to find a space and then forced to leave my key with him. Well this particular day, I found a space albeit a bit further away than I’d like. As I’m walking to the door, I see what I thought was a space right outside of the doorway but as I got closer I realized that someone parked their “toy car” in the spot… okay, okay it was a smart car or something! Very miniature!!! And the first thing I’m thinking is, “they don’t even need that big ‘ole GOOD parking space!!!!” I was so annoyed for no other reason than I wanted to just push it out the way with my big ‘ole “normal” size car! I know it’s petty but that’s just how I was feeling that day.

Little did I know, God had a lesson in all of that. Here’s the picture he painted… Continue reading “PARK IT!”

Archive: Words-Thoughts-Actions-Behaviors-Lifestyle

“Your behavior is a reflection of what you believe.” ~ Pastor Dwayne Freeman

wordsLet me start by saying this: if every Sunday you leave church without even one word to pull on for the rest of the week I’m telling you that you’re in the wrong church! I don’t care whose auntie, momma, or grandma was baptized there in 1932! If your life isn’t impacted by being connected then it’s time to GO! Every Sunday I feel recharged and it lasts well beyond the pews. I carry it with me into my week. Some lessons resonate more with me than others but it’s never a waste when I attend church. Yes, the pastor definitely has a major part on what you get while sitting in the service. However, what you do with that word after you leave is 100% completely up to YOU. Continue reading “Archive: Words-Thoughts-Actions-Behaviors-Lifestyle”

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