Boaz vs. Bozo

Your Boaz should NOT be just about good looks, a nice smile, smooth words, nice job and car, muscular build, fashionable clothes, big connections, etc. If he does have all that, great! But that is NOT what you should be looking for.

If you want to recognize the guy that God is sending you, you must think like God. How does God choose? Let’s look at what God said to Samuel when He was selecting a king for Israel.

“But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” (I Samuel 16:7)” Nikisha Brunson Continue reading “Boaz vs. Bozo”

40 Days and After….

I was recently asked what I was giving up for Lent and answered quite frankly, “Nothing.” Having gone to Catholic school for the majority of my life; I remember being taught about the season of Lent and acknowledging the Stations of the Cross, but it never stuck with me. I don’t recall ever giving up anything for Lent nor having the conviction to do so. I decided to refresh my memory on where it all originated and the significance behind it.

Continue reading “40 Days and After….”

Prepare Yourself

There’s nothing like having someone in your life that pushes you to go beyond where you think you are ready to go. I’m fortunate to be under the leadership of Pastors Mike and Dee Dee Freeman who consistently and unashamedly teach their partners how to live life God’s way. This past Saturday was no different. I attended Pastor Dee Dee’s “Women Walking in the Word” meeting and the lesson was on preparation. I could get into all of the details of the lesson but I’d rather just get to the point… Continue reading “Prepare Yourself”

Say it with your actions

I have so much on my mind this evening that as I type, I’m not even sure what will come of it. This is the feeling my pastor must have felt this past Sunday as he shared how he had no clue where his lesson would go that morning. He had planned to ministry at each service before and Holy Spirit took it into another direction. So here I am with a plan of exactly how I wanted my blogs to take shape this new year of the Bold & the Fabulous and I’m just not feeling like it’s going to happen this week.  Continue reading “Say it with your actions”


Where do I even begin? I seriously have so much to write about that I don’t know what to write about. Life!! I don’t care how prepared you think you are for it, there’s always something that will try to throw you off course. In my case, there have been a lot of “somethings.” I truly believe that the greatest battles you will ever have are the ones in your mind. I’m sure I’m not the only one that has a lot to juggle on a daily basis. I don’t know how anyone can survive in our society without the ability to multitask. Dreamers have to set aside time to plan out your steps to making those dreams reality. If you’re independent, you have to hold down your job to provide a stable living for yourself. If you have family, you have to be the sounding board for them and assist them in anyway possible. Relationships, whether romantic or friends, demand of your time. Anything worth having is worth investing in.  So how do you manage it all without losing yourself in the mix? Continue reading “TIME THEIVES”

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