I don’t know why I still get so amazed at how God speaks to me. It starts with me noticing something that is so common place and seeing it through a new perspective. It’s like I have new or child-like eyes that are trying to process something that, on a normal day, I would walk by without a glance. Let me paint the picture for you…

smartcar1Everyday I go to work, I park in the same garage. I can admit, I’m not the most fond of the parking attendant and it often drives me nuts when I’m unable to find a space and then forced to leave my key with him. Well this particular day, I found a space albeit a bit further away than I’d like. As I’m walking to the door, I see what I thought was a space right outside of the doorway but as I got closer I realized that someone parked their “toy car” in the spot… okay, okay it was a smart car or something! Very miniature!!! And the first thing I’m thinking is, “they don’t even need that big ‘ole GOOD parking space!!!!” I was so annoyed for no other reason than I wanted to just push it out the way with my big ‘ole “normal” size car! I know it’s petty but that’s just how I was feeling that day.

Little did I know, God had a lesson in all of that. Here’s the picture he painted… Continue reading “PARK IT!”

Version 3.3

I’m sitting here in the wee hours of the morning of my birthday reflecting on my first 33 years of life. It’s crazy ya’ll! I’m going to try to put it into words so bare with me please. Many times, on our birthdays, we reflect only on our past year and give ourselves a “grade” on how well we did since the last one.

Did I accomplish all that I planned?

Am I happy with where I am at this age?

How many more years do I have until I reach “that” age?

birthdayWell, if I were to be completely honest I’d say if I measured my happiness on just those questions, it wouldn’t be the happiest of birthdays. Real talk! I know the saying “just be thankful to be alive” but I’ve always been the hardest on myself and I never just wanted to be alive… I wanted to live! Live to fullest! Yes, I haven’t done bad for myself and each year I get better but I still feel like I could be doing soooo much more! I have a feeling I’m not the only one.

So today, after I asked myself those three questions and began feeling a little bummed, I heard God say loud and clear “Think about all 33 years. Don’t start from the last one.” So I did and here’s what came out of my time of reflection: Continue reading “Version 3.3”



It’s with mixed emotions that I write this celebratory post in honor of my 1 year Anniversary going “solo” as a blogger. I didn’t intend for it to cover such a heavy, controversial topic. It was supposed to be light hearted and fun… you  know, something with lots of pictures to introduce the rebranding of the vision and the new layout. But after a day of going back and forth about what I wanted to do verses what needed to be done, I settled myself in the fact that this blog is a reflection of what’s important to me and that’s being a voice and a light to those who I’m called to serve. Although I welcome EVERYONE to visit, comment, follow, and share… this blog targets women. Young women. So how could I, with good conscience, ignore a story that has been highly oversaturating the news front since yesterday morning? Interesting enough it’s been with very little attention on the victim of the incident. I’m speaking about Janay Rice. Yes, she has a name. It’s not on the back of a football jersey. It’s not the most recognizable but it’s a name that matters. This is my take on the situation and it may not be the most popular but I’ve never really cared about popular opinion so here goes… Continue reading “MRS. RICE”

Uncharted Territory

george-tandy-jrI witnessed something remarkable this morning. So much so, I had to reschedule the post I originally planned and squeeze in a few minutes to write this one. The Steve Harvey Morning Show gives me life some days! Aside from the foolishness that gets me laughing and helps me wake up in the morning (I’m so not a morning person!), it’s usually something Steve says or does that motivates me and inspires me to keep pushing. Today was one of those special mornings. I tuned in at the end of a song that I may have heard a few times on the radio but not much. I stuck around to see who the artist was and to my surprise Steve Harvey had him on the phone. His name is George Tandy Jr. and the song is called March.” I mean, I thought it was a great song but nothing could prepare me for the awesome display of support from Steve. Continue reading “Uncharted Territory”

Finding My Set Place: Make it Plain – July 22, 2007

Last night, I had so much on my mind. Over-worked, underpaid, and simply exhausted from life! I threw my bible and notepad aside, dove under the covers, and escaped to the world of La La land. That wasn’t the best use of time given that I knew my work day would likely leave no room to squeeze an hour in to study and write my blog. However the pressures of holding it all together took it’s toll on me and I said “Goodnight world!! I’ll figure it out tomorrow!”  Continue reading “Finding My Set Place: Make it Plain – July 22, 2007”


Where do I even begin? I seriously have so much to write about that I don’t know what to write about. Life!! I don’t care how prepared you think you are for it, there’s always something that will try to throw you off course. In my case, there have been a lot of “somethings.” I truly believe that the greatest battles you will ever have are the ones in your mind. I’m sure I’m not the only one that has a lot to juggle on a daily basis. I don’t know how anyone can survive in our society without the ability to multitask. Dreamers have to set aside time to plan out your steps to making those dreams reality. If you’re independent, you have to hold down your job to provide a stable living for yourself. If you have family, you have to be the sounding board for them and assist them in anyway possible. Relationships, whether romantic or friends, demand of your time. Anything worth having is worth investing in.  So how do you manage it all without losing yourself in the mix? Continue reading “TIME THEIVES”

Discount Shoppers Not Welcomed!!

I’ve been a bit out of it lately as you could probably tell from my last blog. To me it read like a bunch of rambling words with no clear direction of where they were going. I was so unmotivated to do anything these past few weeks but I’m making up for it this week! I can’t say I’m completely cured but I’m back to share a valuable lesson that was spoken to me a few days ago. This is probably the boldest message I’ve written thus far and may step on some toes but it’s a necessary topic that many churches shy away from to the detriment of the members who battle with it everyday. Continue reading “Discount Shoppers Not Welcomed!!”

The Gift of Friendship

“A friend is a gift you give yourself.”

– Robert Louis Stevenson

The day is almost over and I’m just getting around to my weekly post (smh). My apologies for the late hour but lately I’ve been having a hard time focusing. Like many folks, I have a lot going on and some weeks I handle it better than others. The past few have been a bit challenging so when I thought of what I could share today, the first thing that came to mind was the unique gift of friendship, which has been a saving grace for me recently. I found a quote from Robert Louis Stevenson that reads: “A friend is a gift you give yourself.” Continue reading “The Gift of Friendship”

What’s Love Got to Do with It?

“You will live at the level you are taught. Who you listen to will soon be who you will become like.” Pastor Mike Freeman

This post was inspired by the many status posts that I have come across as we lead up to the big day. What day you ask? Valentine’s Day. Yes, ladies and gentlemen we are approaching one of the most dreaded days for singles across the globe… and why is that? Because sometime ago, it was established that Valentine’s Day would be a day for lovers. It would be a day that florists, greeting card designers, and jewelry store owners would maximize their opportunity and make a fortune off of consumer emotions. It’s really not unlike any other holiday that has become so commercialized. So it’s my heart’s desire to bring light to what we should all truly be celebrating next week. I’m trying to save someone from breaking out the sappy movies and tub of ice cream to pacify the spirit of loneliness. This is not just for my ladies, I’m speaking to my fellas too because they get sucked into the hype of it all just the same. Continue reading “What’s Love Got to Do with It?”


I’m sitting on the train with two hours to spare and here I am typing to my B&F family. I’m beginning to understand how therapeutic this is for me. I know, I know… this isn’t about me but I’ve been a writer all my life. It wasn’t until July 2010 that I began to make it public. Before then, I considered it hobby… the B&F family made it a mission… and today I’m adding therapy to the mix. Today’s blog is a bit different so I hope you guys don’t mind a little story telling. I promise there’s a point at the end. Continue reading “Elizabeth”

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