Simple Humanity

I really shouldn’t be surprised but I am! I decided at the last minute to reschedule my blogs so that I could repost an older piece that would speak to the legacy of Nelson Mandela. I decided on “Simple Humanity” only to see that the original version was posted almost an exact year ago to date. I posted this last year on 12/11/12. How amazing that it would be so fitting a year later. No, it doesn’t speak to Nelson Mandela directly, but it speaks to everything he stood for and the legacy he left to the world. We honor you Mandela and we’re grateful for your long life of sacrifice, service, and leadership.

At 6:00 this evening, I still wasn’t quite sure what I wanted to share today. I almost thought I would skip this week. That was until I ran into a familiar friend. A friend that may not even remember me or the day we crossed paths. Last year, I wrote a blog about a woman name Elizabeth. A fragile, elderly woman who I met on her way home. Well, as I was rushing off to an event this evening, I caught a glimpse of her… in the same long trench coat, hunched over, juggling the bags in both her hands. I said aloud,  “Elizabeth!!” She couldn’t hear me; my windows were up. She couldn’t see me because we were on opposite sides of the street. I thought about trying to pull over to wait for her but wasn’t sure if I would scare her. I mean it has been ages since our paths crossed and though I gave her my contact to reach out if she ever needed a ride anywhere she had not taken me up on the offer.

Continue reading “Simple Humanity”

Boaz vs. Bozo

Your Boaz should NOT be just about good looks, a nice smile, smooth words, nice job and car, muscular build, fashionable clothes, big connections, etc. If he does have all that, great! But that is NOT what you should be looking for.

If you want to recognize the guy that God is sending you, you must think like God. How does God choose? Let’s look at what God said to Samuel when He was selecting a king for Israel.

“But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” (I Samuel 16:7)” Nikisha Brunson Continue reading “Boaz vs. Bozo”

Simple Humanity

At 6:00 this evening, I still wasn’t quite sure what I wanted to share today. I almost thought I would skip this week. That was until I ran into a familiar friend. A friend that may not even remember me or the day we crossed paths. Last year, I wrote a blog about a woman name Elizabeth. A fragile, elderly woman who I met on her way home. Well, as I was rushing off to an event this evening, I caught a glimpse of her… in the same long trench coat, hunched over, juggling the bags in both her hands. I said aloud,  “Elizabeth!!” She couldn’t hear me; my windows were up. She couldn’t see me because we were on opposite sides of the street. I thought about trying to pull over to wait for her but wasn’t sure if I would scare her. I mean it has been ages since our paths crossed and though I gave her my contact to reach out if she ever needed a ride anywhere she had not taken me up on the offer.

Continue reading “Simple Humanity”

I Don’t Do Knockoffs

Jeremiah 17:9-10

“The heart is hopelessly dark and deceitful,
a puzzle that no one can figure out.
But I, God, search the heart
and examine the mind.
I get to the heart of the human.
I get to the root of things.
I treat them as they really are,
not as they pretend to be.”

So many times you hear people say “Follow your heart.” If only we followed the voice of God and got into His Word, we would save ourselves from a lot of unnecessary troubles. Sometimes we need to be saved from ourselves… saved from our own thoughts, our inner demons, and our own understanding. That’s where I am and though it’s not an easy thing to go through, it’s necessary to get to God’s expected end. Continue reading “I Don’t Do Knockoffs”

Desires of My Heart

Psalm 37:4, “Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He will give you the desires and secret petitions of your heart.”

There is truly no greater joy than knowing that you are living a life pleasing to God. Obedience is never easy when your Will is constantly competing with His Will. The sooner you are able to let go and give it all over, the sooner you will begin to see the rewards of your faithfulness. It’s a daily decision. Don’t think for a minute that the moment you get saved that you automatically understand what it means to truly walk out a Christian lifestyle. I’ve received Christ at age 13 and trust that I am still learning and seeking wisdom in every area.

Continue reading “Desires of My Heart”

Priceless Beauty Comes with a Heart

Proverbs 31:29-31 ~ “Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all. Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.”

I would like to thank my fellow Bold & Fab sister Jocelyn (Indigo) for her words in her last post. It was her words that sparked the idea for what you are reading today. She wrote, “The prettiest face on earth is but an empty hole on your neck w/o the ability and willingness to have a HEART.”

In a world that is so obsessed with looks, material possessions, and status symbols, it is so refreshing to meet people who have all of the above but use it to uplift others and glorify God. Continue reading “Priceless Beauty Comes with a Heart”

Behind the Lyrics

I’m one Christian that still rocks out to some secular music. I’m more choosey nowadays but I don’t see all secular music as being bad. Honestly there’s some gospel music that is worse… yeah there really is! Gospel music that is not Word based is more detrimental to your walk than listening to a secular song. Secular music is a form of entertainment… Gospel music is about praise and worship… but if what you’re singing can’t be found in the Word then what is it really? Just some words that a songwriter thought sounded good and would evoke the right emotion so it was laid to track. I’m not really trying to judge what makes good/bad gospel music. I’m more trying to shed light on the hazards of failing to guard your ear and your heart. Continue reading “Behind the Lyrics”

Beyond Your Heart

You ever wonder why the desires of the world seem so much more desirable? I mean really, why is it so difficult for us to accept all that comes with living a Christian lifestyle? It seems like the moment you make the decision to change just one small aspect of your life, your mind gets flooded with all of the things you think you will miss out on if you truly carry out that decision. It can be so frustrating when you set out to do anything in life and seemingly fail. I mean, letting yourself and your family down is disappointing enough, but when you think about the possibility of letting God down…that’s a whole different level. So what do many of us do?… We shy away from the thought of doing what we feel we can’t for fear of failing God. There’s a certain confidence that we have in ourselves that we know we’ll eventually bounce back from our own disappointment. There’s another level of confidence we have in our family because we know that their disappointment will only last for a moment and they will always have our backs. So how can we develop that same confidence in God? Continue reading “Beyond Your Heart”

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