Before You Detour

A lot of time has passed since I’ve put pen to paper like this. The past year has taken its toll on a lot of us but God reminds me in the subtle ways that no matter how much time passes, His voice is present and consistent despite our inconsistency. The other day He reminded me that my impatience and need for control is still very much an ongoing battle; leaving me officially “checked.”

It was Saturday, January 1st and I was headed to my fiancé’s home to bring him medicine and snacks as he battled COVID-19 in isolation. It was meant to be a quick trip but as I rounded the ramp there were a sea of what looked liked parked cars on the Beltway. Immediately, my brain went to predicting both the cause of the backup while simultaneously planning my exit strategy. I called my fiancé to let him know the issue and my plan to get around it that would most certainly prolong my arrival.

So I predicted that the Washington Football Team’s home game was the cause of the backup and that I would get off on the very next exit to go into the city and take another route to his house. What I did know, is that I wasn’t sitting in all that traffic no matter how long my detour took!! That was MY plan. Now here’s how it all turned out after fussing and using all that unnecessary energy.

The traffic wasn’t caused by game day traffic (should have known by the way they’ve been playing!), it was due to people rubbernecking at an accident on the side of the road just before the next exit that I was planning on taking. I sat for 10 minutes max and it was smooth sailing from there and got to his house without any delays.

As I’m about to make a fuss at the people slowing traffic by looking at a fender bender, I heard, “Stay the course.”

I immediately knew this was a lesson. Having no clue what lied ahead, I saw what appeared to be a major backup and automatically decided that I knew a better way. I couldn’t see ahead of my own vantage point, similar to how I’m unable to see what the future holds in my life. Those setbacks that I encounter that may look insurmountable have the potential to get me to second guess the direction I’ve chosen and make be get off course. God was using this as a lesson to show me that everything that looks bad isn’t always THAT bad. It could simply be a minor issue that doesn’t require any workaround whatsoever. It only requires that we be patient and wait. A setback could be a set up to get you to get off the course that’s designed to get you to your desired end. So on the first day of 2022, God set the theme for my year. No matter what it looks like, I’m staying the course and fighting every urge to make my own way.

I Don’t Know


Three words I absolutely hate to say and definitely never like to hear. But I uttered those words last night. I actually said them a few weeks ago and both times I couldn’t believe I actually said them out loud. I don’t ever claim to know it ALL but what I do believe in is finding out. If ever someone asked me a question related to work and I didn’t have an answer, it was never just “I don’t know.” It would be either “I’m not certain that I have all the information so let me review and get to back to you close of business” … or “Give me a moment and I’ll find out.” Both insinuate that I don’t have the answer but it’s never a blanket statement of “I don’t know.”

The biggest no-no for me is to always, and I mean always have a plan and what bigger plan can you have than the one you have for your life. I mean it’s your life! If you don’t know then who else is going to be able to tell you?? That has been my thinking forever and in many ways it still is so when I said “I Don’t Know” when asked about my life plans last night I felt like a complete loser. But I had to be honest and I truly had and still have no idea what’s next. Scariest feeling ever for someone who has always known her next move. I had to slow my mind down enough to get back on course and I can say now that I have a new and refreshed understanding of what all this planning is about. Continue reading “I Don’t Know”

Cracked Pavement

pexels-photo-343469.jpegIt was a morning like any other morning. Typical rise with the disgruntled “it’s too early for this” stroll across the floor to my closet. I didn’t feel any more reflective or spiritual than the day before. I  stepped out the house with headphones in ear, work bag on shoulder, probably just praying that this day would be an anomaly and I’ll actually get a seat on the train. It’s the little things that make my day. I didn’t realize that a even smaller moment in time would teach me a life lesson just steps outside of my home.  Continue reading “Cracked Pavement”


restart I love how God uses everyday, nominal occurrences to grab my attention. Let me paint the picture for you. I’m sitting at my writing desk wrapping up Sunday online service when that annoying pop up banner appears with the same pesky alert that reads something like “Update available. Do you want to restart your computer?” The options read: RESTART or LATER. For months, I’ve hit the LATER button continuously irritated that it just won’t go away!  It’s not that I don’t think the updates are necessary. I don’t have a particular issue with updating my computer; however, what I do have an issue with is how long it usually takes to complete. When I take time out to sit at my computer to do anything I want to do it now. I don’t think about completing the updates any other time. It’s only when I get that pesky pop up that I think, “I should really do that but I don’t have time.”

I literally had the cursor hovering above the LATER button when I stopped dead in my tracks. Images flooded my mind of my computer taking forever to load, or the video buffering while I’m trying to watch them, or site freezing in the midst of me scrolling. Then the question arises, “Why do you think you have so many challenges when you’re trying to complete a task on your computer? Should you just replace the entire computer? Is it trash or could it have anything to do with those pesky little updates that you’ve continued to ignore over the past few months?”……This is where the moment of sheer stupidity and revelation mix. Continue reading “RESTART”

The Voice

Everyone says when you hear God’s voice move in the way that he instructs you to move. No hesitation. No second opinions. Just go! That sounds good in theory but lets take in to account someone who has been unsuccessful at shutting down all the other clutter that fills their thoughts. What’s the secret to extracting His voice from all other voices that fill your head with things contrary to what you believe He is telling you to do. Not all things contrary have to be bad. They can just be logical, safe, or comfortable. In other words, if you chose to follow the contrary, you wouldn’t necessarily be doing yourself or anyone else any harm… or would you? Continue reading “The Voice”

Hellooo 2014!!!

UnknownWow! It’s New Year’s Eve! 2013 is coming to an end and 2014 is staring us down! Resolutions are being made across the globe. We all know the drill… people are losing weight, changing their diet, starting new hobbies, finding Mr. or Mrs. Right; the lists go on and on but let me change the game up for you this year! Let’s all focus on committing to ONE specific thing this year… PURPOSE! It’s the one thing that will bring incomparable joy and satisfaction. I guarantee if we all focus on that one word, all the other things we desire will fall into place in due season. I literally stumbled upon a passage the other day that planted firmly in my spirit. It speaks volumes to the importance of TODAY and the gift that each day is to each one of us. It’s my hope that you’ll meditate on it and see the big picture. Continue reading “Hellooo 2014!!!”

What About Me?

answer-girl-colorI can’t be the only one that has questioned if God had forgotten about me. I know I’m not the only one that has thought that I had done too many things outside of His will that I would be spending my days trying to prove that I was worthy of His love and attention. I believe that some of the most difficult things to discipline are your thoughts. The enemy can take up residence there and have you lose your mind, literally! It’s so dangerous when you don’t know how much God loves you and when you question His heart towards you. If ever you or I have any of those feelings rise up in our spirit again, be reminded of this:

There’s not enough good deeds, “right” decisions, giving of self that we could ever do to deserve God’s love. We don’t do things pleasing to God to earn is love. His love is a gift! All we have to do is receive!! We seek after His will because we want an intimate relationship with Him. It’s the same as a mother and father’s love for their child. They love you from the time you were first formed in the womb. They don’t say “let me find out how obedient he/she is” or “let me see if he/she turns out to be all that I imagine my child to be” before I know if I love them. Their love is unconditional and without warrant. Still, even their love can’t match God’s love. Continue reading “What About Me?”

Boaz vs. Bozo

Your Boaz should NOT be just about good looks, a nice smile, smooth words, nice job and car, muscular build, fashionable clothes, big connections, etc. If he does have all that, great! But that is NOT what you should be looking for.

If you want to recognize the guy that God is sending you, you must think like God. How does God choose? Let’s look at what God said to Samuel when He was selecting a king for Israel.

“But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” (I Samuel 16:7)” Nikisha Brunson Continue reading “Boaz vs. Bozo”

The Best Sex of Your Life

Don’t be alarmed by the title, this is real BOLD and FABULOUS talk!! I had something totally different to share today but after reading an article in the Washington Post this week, I felt compelled to share with our readers.

My desire is that this post will bring hope to women and MEN, young and OLD, who know their worth, are waiting patiently, and keeping themselves to themselves until marriage. And I’m not talking to virgins only! Let’s remember… 2 Cor. 5:17 reads, “Any man that be in Christ is a new creature. Old things have past away. Behold all things are new.” It’s not old fashion, it’s not impossible, and it’s never too late no matter what path you’ve taken in the past! Continue reading “The Best Sex of Your Life”

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