Make ‘Em A Believer

I could moan and groan over the fact I spent an hour drafting a blog that never officially saved and at the moment I was about to post it my computer froze and I lost everything…

…OR I could decide to skip this week and chalk it up to it being a bad day.

…OR I could just repost an old blog and make up some deep meaning behind why I’m recycling a previous post for today. (Not that I haven’t done it before. It’s just that it was for a specific purpose. The only purpose for me doing that today would be done with the frustration of having my thought perfectly aligned and ready to go only to have it disappear in an instant.)

… OR I be determined not to be distracted by taking my focus off what’s important and dwelling on what’s least important …my emotions!

stick to itLife is always about perspective. My original writing for today was all about staying focused and not allowing yourself to get off track by circumstances or people. Well, here was a true test of my faith. I choose to be a living example of what I originally wrote in my lost draft. Here’s the thing I’m learning, our behavior is not for God. God is less concerned with our actions than he is with our heart. How we live is important to drawing others closer to God. Men and women can’t see our heart, only God can do that. So people only know what we believe and what we are about by our actions. Start acting like what you say you believe.

Over the past few weeks, Nehemiah 6 has been a reoccurring theme during my study time. Nehemiah was focused on completing the plan that God designed just for him. While he worked, other men got wind of what he was doing and summoned him to meet with them. He repeatedly turned down their requests to meet for the sake of staying on track with the work he was doing unto God. Frustrated at being rejected, the men shared with him the rumors circling about what he was doing and why he was doing it. They were all lies made up by people who had no understanding of what God had promised him. Instead of letting them be a distraction and trying to defend his name and his mission, Nehemiah never left the wall and was even more determined to finish what he started because of their ill intentions. Continue reading “Make ‘Em A Believer”

Audience of 1

number-one-It’s okay to admit that we can sometimes be a respector of people and by that I mean, we tailor how we present ourselves based on who we are or are not trying to impress. Let’s be all the way real! When you know the CEO is going to be in a meeting you have a certain level of care that you put into dressing accordingly. Oftentimes, the company will send a mass message to all employees to tidy their offices and dress in business attire instead of business casual when board members are visiting. When we were younger, the subsitute teacher meant free day! Ladies, if you know that dream boy will be at the gym on Tuesdays and Thursdays, you breakout the cute, matching work out gear for those days. And gentlemen, you splash an extra dose of “smell good” on when you know you are going to “run into” that dream girl at the party that night. It’s cool, we all do it but here’s where we need to let maturity set in. Continue reading “Audience of 1”

What About Me?

answer-girl-colorI can’t be the only one that has questioned if God had forgotten about me. I know I’m not the only one that has thought that I had done too many things outside of His will that I would be spending my days trying to prove that I was worthy of His love and attention. I believe that some of the most difficult things to discipline are your thoughts. The enemy can take up residence there and have you lose your mind, literally! It’s so dangerous when you don’t know how much God loves you and when you question His heart towards you. If ever you or I have any of those feelings rise up in our spirit again, be reminded of this:

There’s not enough good deeds, “right” decisions, giving of self that we could ever do to deserve God’s love. We don’t do things pleasing to God to earn is love. His love is a gift! All we have to do is receive!! We seek after His will because we want an intimate relationship with Him. It’s the same as a mother and father’s love for their child. They love you from the time you were first formed in the womb. They don’t say “let me find out how obedient he/she is” or “let me see if he/she turns out to be all that I imagine my child to be” before I know if I love them. Their love is unconditional and without warrant. Still, even their love can’t match God’s love. Continue reading “What About Me?”

Transformation Quick Tips

Last week I was honored to participate in the God’s Glamorous Girls’ Conference at the Washington Convention Center. The theme was “Transformation.” It was such a blessing to share that experience with a few of my sisters that traveled from far away. I so love them!! I’m not even going to try to summarize all that was poured into me over those 3 days. What I will do is offer up some key words of wisdom that I took with me and will continue to meditate on over the remainder of the year.

Continue reading “Transformation Quick Tips”

No Comparison

You know why it’s so difficult for some people to believe in God? It’s because it’s human nature to make sense out the unknown by comparing it to something that they’ve experienced. We’ve all been told by someone that we trusted that they would come through on something and have been let down. We’ve all been made promises and had them broken. We’ve all had our heart broken and had to recover from major upsets and disappointments at the hands of one’s that we loved. So it’s natural for people to read the promises of God and be skeptical. It’s common for people to hear all of what God can and will do for them and still wonder if it will actually happen. Our minds have been trained to think “realistically.” We’ve been conditioned to prepare ourselves for things not to go our way more than we’re trained to believe that they will because we never want to be let down or disappointed. Continue reading “No Comparison”

No Comparison

You know why it’s so difficult for some people to believe in God? It’s because it’s human nature to make sense out the unknown by comparing it to something that they’ve experienced. We’ve all been told by someone that we trusted that they would come through on something and have been let down. We’ve all been made promises and had them broken. We’ve all had our heart broken and had to recover from major upsets and disappointments at the hands of one’s that we loved. So it’s natural for people to read the promises of God and be skeptical. It’s common for people to hear all of what God can and will do for them and still wonder if it will actually happen. Our minds have been trained to think “realistically.” We’ve been conditioned to prepare ourselves for things not to go our way more than we’re trained to believe that they will because we never want to be let down or disappointed. Continue reading “No Comparison”

40 Days and After….

I was recently asked what I was giving up for Lent and answered quite frankly, “Nothing.” Having gone to Catholic school for the majority of my life; I remember being taught about the season of Lent and acknowledging the Stations of the Cross, but it never stuck with me. I don’t recall ever giving up anything for Lent nor having the conviction to do so. I decided to refresh my memory on where it all originated and the significance behind it.

Continue reading “40 Days and After….”

Finding My Set Place: Perfecting my “Cocky Faith” – July 22, 2007

Yet another busy Tuesday and I’m down to the wire to get my blog out before the clock strikes midnight. It never fails that when I’m in a crunch, God makes it so plain. I decided to stick to the entry of July 22, 2007 because last week I got stuck on the very first scripture. There are at least 15 more scriptures in my notes so this date may drag into a third week. I hope you all don’t mind me taking my time on this. Remember it’s a journey.

So, today I’m listening to my pastor’s lesson titled “Cocky Faith” and naturally it correlated with the passages in my notes from over 4 years ago. I’ve taken the limits off and letting God lead the way so here goes…   Continue reading “Finding My Set Place: Perfecting my “Cocky Faith” – July 22, 2007”

Freedom of Faith

Has anyone ever asked you why you are Christian? Why do you believe in Jesus Christ? If so, what was your answer?… and if you’ve never been asked that, what would your answer be? I’m going to go out on a limb and make a generalization (something I rarely do) and say that a vast majority of Christians never really had to choose their faith. Without having done an ounce of research I’d say that many of us were brought up in the church from the time we were babies. Others may have known about church but were not necessarily considered church- goers. None-the-less, for many of us it has been engrained in us that Jesus is Lord whether you live by the Word or not. Continue reading “Freedom of Faith”

The Champ Is Here!

Real talk… I did not feel like writing today. No seriously… if you guys haven’t been able to tell, I’ve been going through some frustrations lately. The enemy is definitely trying to take me out. I mean he is using his craftiest weapons to get me to hold up the white flag and this past week was just as hard as the one before. I know you want to hear about the pleasantries of being Bold and Fab but I’m sure my sisters will tell you that we have our own issues too. The only difference is we live them out on the world wide web for all to see. Are we crazy? Lol… naw, we’re being obedient to the voice of God and all that comes with it. Continue reading “The Champ Is Here!”

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