An Evening Out: Purity w/ Style Launch Party

danille-e1407897010589A few weeks ago I received a personal invite to serve as press for the launch of a young woman’s clothing line. Although I was honored, I wasn’t quite sure why I was chosen. I write a blog about various experiences in my life and in the lives of others but never had I covered an actual event as press. I hesitated for about 3 minutes before I responded with, “Absolutely!”

There’s nothing like a night in a swanky loft in the heart of DC spent with women of power, prestige, and a love of all things pure. I was able to get a few moments to chat with the lovely Danielle Stradford, founder and CEO of “Purity w/ Style.” Aside from her gracious smile and welcoming spirit, she’s a beautiful force behind a powerful movement to redefine the look of purity. Here’s a look into the life of the visionary and her new lifestyle brand: Continue reading “An Evening Out: Purity w/ Style Launch Party”

“First Name: LUKE, Last Name: WARM”

This month is all about LOVE so I had to share a spoken word piece presented by one of my favorites. Check it out:

I love poetry and spoken word!! It is a powerful art form and when the topic can speak life to you, it’s the best medicine. I sincerely wish that these words came directly from my lips because it’s exactly what I would say to my “husband.” Powerful words by one of my favorites and someone I desire to work with in the very near future: Jeanette ikz.

photoI found this performance years ago and it still resonates with me. She captured perfectly what’s buried in my heart for “the One.” But even more so she exudes the love that we should have for ourselves just to be able to conquer those feelings of disappointment and hurt. I only felt it right to share with my readers because of how hard I went IN on women a few weeks ago. The need for status, money, and attention weighs so heavy that women will sacrifice their bodies, their integrity, and their happiness for the material luxuries that men afford them. It’s refreshing to see glimpses of Proverbs 31 women in this day. They’re the women who may not be in the same spotlight but who seek God’s perfect love and in turn seek the love of a Godly man who will honor them. Given the examples we have, it seems a distant dream but those that are built on a firm foundation will not tire out. We will wait and we will believe that “he” will soon make his presence known. No time for “sorta kindas” or “Luke Warms!” Enjoy the video!!

Happy Tuesday!

Love, Bianca

The Heart of the Matter

Matt. 5:8 “Blessed are the pure at heart. For they shall see God.”
This is my pastor’s favorite scripture and I can honestly say it’s becoming mine as well. The reason why? Because there are people close to me in my life that may not outwardly express their love for God the way that I do. They may not have the desire to attend church every Sunday. They may not even fully understand the benefit of tithing. I choose not to focus on the seen arena. Though I watch their actions, I also observe their heart towards people and life… and I allow Holy Spirit to reveal them to me from the inside out. I don’t have to see them speak in tongues. They don’t need to be in the choir or serve on the usher board. They just need to keep a pure heart and God will work on them in His time. I’m not jaded by those that are simply active in the church because that is not what truly counts.  Continue reading “The Heart of the Matter”

Discount Shoppers Not Welcomed!!

I’ve been a bit out of it lately as you could probably tell from my last blog. To me it read like a bunch of rambling words with no clear direction of where they were going. I was so unmotivated to do anything these past few weeks but I’m making up for it this week! I can’t say I’m completely cured but I’m back to share a valuable lesson that was spoken to me a few days ago. This is probably the boldest message I’ve written thus far and may step on some toes but it’s a necessary topic that many churches shy away from to the detriment of the members who battle with it everyday. Continue reading “Discount Shoppers Not Welcomed!!”

Priceless Beauty Comes with a Heart

Proverbs 31:29-31 ~ “Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all. Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.”

I would like to thank my fellow Bold & Fab sister Jocelyn (Indigo) for her words in her last post. It was her words that sparked the idea for what you are reading today. She wrote, “The prettiest face on earth is but an empty hole on your neck w/o the ability and willingness to have a HEART.”

In a world that is so obsessed with looks, material possessions, and status symbols, it is so refreshing to meet people who have all of the above but use it to uplift others and glorify God. Continue reading “Priceless Beauty Comes with a Heart”

The Best Sex of Your Life

Don’t be alarmed by the title, this is real BOLD and FABULOUS talk!! I had something totally different to share today but after reading an article in the Washington Post this week, I felt compelled to share with our readers.

My desire is that this post will bring hope to women and MEN, young and OLD, who know their worth, are waiting patiently, and keeping themselves to themselves until marriage. And I’m not talking to virgins only! Let’s remember… 2 Cor. 5:17 reads, “Any man that be in Christ is a new creature. Old things have past away. Behold all things are new.” It’s not old fashion, it’s not impossible, and it’s never too late no matter what path you’ve taken in the past! Continue reading “The Best Sex of Your Life”

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