You probably took the title of this blog two ways. We often use the term “give it up” to communicate to someone to stop what they’re doing… or it’s a slang we use to indicate we intend to have sex… neither is what I’m referring to in today’s post. Most of you have heard the saying “It’s better to give than to receive” but who of you truly believes that? I know all of you would say you do but let’s evaluate your actions.

1. When you give someone a birthday card or gift do you get bent out of shape if they don’t say “thank you?”

2. When Christmas comes around and you don’t get a gift in return for the one you gave do you feel some kind of way and vow not to make the same mistake next year?

3. If you see someone in distress and offer to help in any way do you then reach out to them later to arrange a form of repayment?

4. If your neighbor needs help with raking the leaves or carrying groceries are you upset if they don’t offer to pay you for your services?

5. For my church folks… Do you tithe because you want something in return and not because it’s a command in the Bible? Continue reading “GIVE IT UP”

“First Name: LUKE, Last Name: WARM”

This month is all about LOVE so I had to share a spoken word piece presented by one of my favorites. Check it out:

I love poetry and spoken word!! It is a powerful art form and when the topic can speak life to you, it’s the best medicine. I sincerely wish that these words came directly from my lips because it’s exactly what I would say to my “husband.” Powerful words by one of my favorites and someone I desire to work with in the very near future: Jeanette ikz.

photoI found this performance years ago and it still resonates with me. She captured perfectly what’s buried in my heart for “the One.” But even more so she exudes the love that we should have for ourselves just to be able to conquer those feelings of disappointment and hurt. I only felt it right to share with my readers because of how hard I went IN on women a few weeks ago. The need for status, money, and attention weighs so heavy that women will sacrifice their bodies, their integrity, and their happiness for the material luxuries that men afford them. It’s refreshing to see glimpses of Proverbs 31 women in this day. They’re the women who may not be in the same spotlight but who seek God’s perfect love and in turn seek the love of a Godly man who will honor them. Given the examples we have, it seems a distant dream but those that are built on a firm foundation will not tire out. We will wait and we will believe that “he” will soon make his presence known. No time for “sorta kindas” or “Luke Warms!” Enjoy the video!!

Happy Tuesday!

Love, Bianca

I Need You, You Need Me

“… in Leviticus 26:8 and Deuteronomy 32:30, we’re told that “…one can put a thousand to flight but two will put ten thousand to flight.” We can do TEN TIMES more together than we can by ourselves! God was intentional about creating us so that we would need one another. We must be intentional in engaging in community with our brothers and sisters in Christ, because we need one another. We are more powerful together. Together we are an unstoppable force.” ~ excerpt from Victory World Church 21 Day Fast

There’s a song that we sing sometimes at my church where we join hands as a family and sing “I need you… you need me. We’re all a part of God’s body. Stand with me. Agree with me. We’re all a part of God’s family.” I thought of this song as I was reading the devotion for Day 15 of my fast. We sing it but do we truly believe it? There are things that happen in life inside and outside of church that have caused us to harden our hearts to people. I know that I have fell victim to the “All I need in life is Jesus” mentality and although He is the most essential part of my life, I’ve matured in knowing that I need others as well. God is people minded. He values community and unions, hence the significance of marriage.

In this month’s issue of Essence, there’s a great article about Steve and Marjorie Harvey. Now, I know some people may have some hang ups about the advice that Steve offers but there were some points made in the article that made me appreciate the couple for their commitment to each other. Continue reading “I Need You, You Need Me”

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