What About Me?

answer-girl-colorI can’t be the only one that has questioned if God had forgotten about me. I know I’m not the only one that has thought that I had done too many things outside of His will that I would be spending my days trying to prove that I was worthy of His love and attention. I believe that some of the most difficult things to discipline are your thoughts. The enemy can take up residence there and have you lose your mind, literally! It’s so dangerous when you don’t know how much God loves you and when you question His heart towards you. If ever you or I have any of those feelings rise up in our spirit again, be reminded of this:

There’s not enough good deeds, “right” decisions, giving of self that we could ever do to deserve God’s love. We don’t do things pleasing to God to earn is love. His love is a gift! All we have to do is receive!! We seek after His will because we want an intimate relationship with Him. It’s the same as a mother and father’s love for their child. They love you from the time you were first formed in the womb. They don’t say “let me find out how obedient he/she is” or “let me see if he/she turns out to be all that I imagine my child to be” before I know if I love them. Their love is unconditional and without warrant. Still, even their love can’t match God’s love. Continue reading “What About Me?”

Boaz vs. Bozo

Your Boaz should NOT be just about good looks, a nice smile, smooth words, nice job and car, muscular build, fashionable clothes, big connections, etc. If he does have all that, great! But that is NOT what you should be looking for.

If you want to recognize the guy that God is sending you, you must think like God. How does God choose? Let’s look at what God said to Samuel when He was selecting a king for Israel.

“But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” (I Samuel 16:7)” Nikisha Brunson urbanbushbabes.com Continue reading “Boaz vs. Bozo”

Big Picture, Small Frame

Everyday I ask God to show me what my focus should be on for the day. Who’s going to need my attention? I pray that my eyes and ears are alert to hear from Him and distinguish His voice from all others. I ask that I decrease and that Holy Spirit increases so that I don’t block anything that He has planned for the day. I must admit, sometimes I get ahead of myself and I start to measure who I am against who I know I want to be. I see the big picture all the time! It’s very difficult for me to focus on each step during the process. There’s nothing wrong with big picture thinking as long as you don’t neglect the many, many steps in between. Continue reading “Big Picture, Small Frame”

The Scenic Route

clockI have to admit, I’m a stickler for being on time. Aside from those types of events that lend themselves to being “fashionably late,” I’m all about early arrival. If I have to rely on directions to get somewhere on time, I need them to be accurate and precise so there’s no way for me to possibly get lost. If someone wants to give me details about nice places I could see along the way, I’m not interested. Tell me how to get to my set destination please… that’s all. I have somewhere I have to be and I need to know EXACTLY how to get there. Precision is key. Of course, if I’m on vacation or having a leisurely day, I’m much more relaxed and willing to take in the experience. Making an appointment or special event is totally different. Continue reading “The Scenic Route”


I’ve been so looking forward to this post! God gave me this idea on my ride to church a few weeks ago and since I write my blogs in advance, I had to wait to share. It’s so out of the box for me but I love it. Let me first let you in on a little tidbit to put everything in perspective. Last year was the MOST challenging, heart wrenching, loneliest year of my life. REAL TALK! I can admit that I was in a very dark place for months. I just wanted time to stand still to give myself time to recoup, figure things out, and just be for a minute. Life was carrying on and I was hanging on to the bumper by a string. I had some very trying days that tested my faith. I had many angry days at God. I was sad much more than I was happy. Simply put, I was just getting by. I can’t say that every day I made a decision to praise God but I know for a fact that the times that I did, even in the midst of my pain, is the reason I’m in one of the happiest places of my life this year! No, my life is not perfect. Yes, there are things that still need fixing but my perspective has changed. I have renewed hope. I have a clearer vision and most importantly I have a more intimate relationship with God BECAUSE of what I went through. Continue reading “IN THE MIDDLE – DANCE OFF!”

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