Are Your Toes Wet Yet?!


“You can’t be afraid to dip your toe in the thing that you think God wants you to do even when you’re unsure.” ~ DeVon Franklin


When you ask God for answers be prepared! He uses many life experiences to show us how in charge he truly is and this past Sunday, He used DeVon Franklin in a powerful way. Rarely am I bought to tears but when someone can wrap all of your emotions into one lesson and shed light on issues so real to what you’re going through, you know it’s God. If you feel trapped and too afraid to move but too afraid to remain the same, this is for you. If you’ve stepped out on faith and the world seems like it’s crumbling around you, this is for you. If you simply love God and want to grow in your relationship with Him so that you don’t miss a beat, this is for you. To get directly to the message click the photo on the left to watch any of the 3 services. For the 8 am service begin video at 01:19:14. For the 11 am service start video at 01:03:00 and for the 1 pm service you can begin at 01:19:56. You can’t go wrong with any of them. Trust me I’ve watched them all! So check them out and let me hear from you! Happy Tuesday!!

“God may have allowed the storm to arise because you would never do what you needed to do without it.”

“There is “more” in my spirit that won’t let me settle or be complacent.”

“Real life starts when you get up out the boat.”

“Anything I pray for I will prepare for!”


Yeah, you read the title right and no I haven’t lost my mind. This message is coming from the ULTIMATE planner. I plan EVERYTHING! I like to know what, when, how, and why for anything that I get involved in. I’m from the school of “if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” So let me explain why I can still hold true to the notion of “Stop Planning” even when I have intentions of continuing to plan.

ERICTHOMASLast night I listened in to the Mentor Mondays’ Spreecast with Paul Brunson. He’s one of my favorite people to follow on social media and I’ve been fortunate enough to have met him a few times since he also lives in DC. The guest for the evening was a man named Eric Thomas who is a world renowned motivational speaker. Once a 16 year old high school drop out who later received his GED and is currently working towards his PHD! I love stories like that!

Just to be clear, prior to last night’s spreecast I’d only seen one of his YouTube videos and although I thought he was excellent at public speaking, I didn’t latch on to him. His delivery is a little abrupt and in your face and it seemed like his messaging was geared to a younger, more adolescent crowd. Indeed, his messaging is focused on urban youth to help them see the bigger picture and believe that they can be more than what their environment says they can. I honor him for that. But last night, he was speaking to grown men and women. Many of us educated, professional, and somewhat established in careers. None of that mattered. He had a solid word for us. Here’s a few nuggets that stood out: Continue reading “STOP PLANNING!”

Real Comfort Food

sunset-straight-road-1920x1080In the perfect world, I would get up every morning excited about the day that lies ahead, especially on Tuesday when it’s time to release my blog post. The truth is, although I’m grateful for every day that God blesses me with, I’m not always all that thrilled about what the day brings. For the past few weeks, I’ve had quite a few down moments. Moments when I wish I was under an invisible cloak so that I wouldn’t have to deal with anyone or anything until I could get it together. Of course, that wish never came true and when I thought I was about to completely lose it, I retreated to the Word. It’s a shame to admit that much of what I was going through was because I was focusing on all the things that were not going in my favor. Instead of praying, I was worrying… and worrying a lot. Eventually I stilled my mind long enough to disappear into the pages that redefine the meaning of comfort food. Continue reading “Real Comfort Food”

The Story of Raju

Psalm 145:16 “You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing.”

The-Rescue-of-Raja-the-Elephant-0007I ran across the story of Raju late last night and it truly broke my heart. In the midst of all the tragedies in the world, I do not discount those that affect our wildlife. Raju suffered 50 years of torture and abuse but on July 4th he celebrated his own Independence Day. Rescuers witnessed the elephant crying out tears of pain and joy at the thought of being freed from his captors. My heart was so heavy reading the story and tears literally flowed while watching the rescue video but I just had to share. We all have a soft spot for certain causes. There are people who are passionate about children and education. Some are passionate about preserving the earth and the importance of recycling. And then there are those that have a passion for supporting the health and well-being of wildlife, and all animals for that matter. If you’re walking this earth and have never been passionate about anything outside of your little bubble, you’ve been depriving yourself from experiencing true satisfaction in knowing that your life has been a service to someone else. I’ve always been an animal lover. I can’t even watch anything animal related unless it’s guaranteed that whatever it is survives. I’m still scarred by watching the movie “Turner and Hooch” as a small child (Lol). Anyway, I’m doing my part in sharing this truly remarkable story in hopes to aide in raising financial support for his recovery. If you have it in your heart to donate you can do so by clicking this link

Hunger Pains

Many of you know that I’m a huge supporter of DeVon Franklin. I stumbled upon him a few years ago and have followed his journey from a far. Last year, I had the honor of meeting him at The Merge Summit held in LA and to say that that moment made an imprint would be an understatement. There’s something to say about someone who you just know is unapologetically themselves. He is genuinely a kind soul with a courageous spirit and a heart for people so it’s no surprise that on this past Sunday I would tune into all 3 services at One Church International where he was the guest speaker. Yes, I watched the 9am, 11am, and 1pm!! That’s how on point he was and how hungry I am to get this thing called life right! The message was the same in all 3 services but the delivery was different. I got something different from each one and I wish I could regurgitate everything in this one article but it would be a book in itself. Instead, I’d like to do one better and share the link to the 1pm service for all of you to witness. (Click here and scroll to about 01:11:30 for the message.) Since I know that some of you won’t watch for lack of time or even lack of interest, I’ll just share a few nuggets that I believe were said directly to me! No seriously, he was all up in my life and yes I was yelling at the screen! Ha! Continue reading “Hunger Pains”

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