The Heavy Weight Type

On the surface it’s a cute picture that makes the girls go “Awww” and the guys go….. Well I think their responses will be quite varied but that’s to be expected. What started out as a simple Instagram post morphed into something much bigger the more I studied it. The choices we make in relationships are all about our perceptions. We can look at the same set of circumstances and come away with completely different opinions based on what we’ve experienced and/or desire in the future. What do you see when you look at this photo? Continue reading “The Heavy Weight Type”

“Mali Is”… Dope!


Yeah the pain came and the rain fell down
But I maintained through the skirmish
Its cause I love you and you’re worth it
Yeah you could be anything to them
But to me you’re perfect
I fight for you, I’m right for you
I’m here on purpose.

MaliIsMusic is a powerful drug. It can change your mood with the change of a beat and in this case it can change every word that you wanted to write. At least that’s what happened to me today. I scrapped my entire blog entry after listening to just one song on Mali Music’s debut album “Mali Is.” Let me just say that I could write an entire blog about almost every song. It’s just that dope. But for now, I’m going to dive into the sheer genius and power behind a song titled “Fight for You.”  My goal is to know every verse by the end of the week and with as much as it’s been repeated today, I think I’ll pull it off. I haven’t been moved this hard by a song since India Arie’s “Break the Shell.”

I’m taking the time to dissect this song for a few reasons:

1. The lyrics are POWERFUL.

2. Super religious folks won’t give it a chance because it’s not “gospel” they can jump and shout about.

3. It speaks to my own struggle with pursuing God’s will and gives me so much life!

Continue reading ““Mali Is”… Dope!”

What You Don’t Know Is…

Have you ever walked up on someone in the street and you feel like you are “real life” friends but you actually don’t know them at all? You know the one’s that you follow on Twitter or Instagram and they post their life chronicles so much so that you start believing the two of you go way back! I’ve had that happen a few times. I saw someone and wanted to run up to them and say ” Hey girl!” but then realized at the last second, “She don’t know me!”

I don’t think I’ll ever be the type of writer that discloses her every move but I do see the value in some little known things about me to help us connect in ways that may not be possible through my normal posts. I’m not an open book but there’s nothing wrong with sharing some fun facts with my loyal readers and even my newbies! So if you came here looking for some deep, profound, thought provoking message… sorry, today isn’t that kind of day. This is just PURE fun and maybe we’ll have something weird in common. Who knows! Consider this my way of saying “HI!! This is me!… in a nutshell.” Continue reading “What You Don’t Know Is…”

When I Was 7… Yesterday

1 Cor. 13:11 “When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.”

Number 7I never knew about her earlier life. I knew of her activism, her poems, and her infinite wisdom but yesterday was my first glance into young Maya Angelou. That is — 7 year old Maya Angelou. In one of her many interviews with Oprah Winfrey, she spoke of being raped at age 7. A few days after being released from jail, the man she accused was found dead. It was the end of his life and the end of her voice – for several years. Her 7 year old mind led her to believe that her voice was the cause of the man’s death and that if she continued to speak then more people would die. Where did she get that from? Who did she consult about those thoughts?… No one. Continue reading “When I Was 7… Yesterday”

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