The Leaky Faucet


leakyI’m that girl that will try to fix or put together almost anything. If it’s a bookshelf, a table, and even a toilet… I’ve tried my hand at it and succeeded. That’s one of those things I get from my dad. Aside from our smile, not being morning people, and slow eating… I inherited the trait of being pretty crafty with my hands. (Note to future hubby: Being a Mr. Fix It is not a pre-requisite, however, if you knew just a little bit about cars that would be a major bonus!) Anywho, back to the matter at hand.  I’ve been dreading having to come out of pocket to replace the faucet in my kitchen. Out of nowhere, it started spewing water that would eventually run onto my counter and spill over to my floor. Without any real knowledge of the issue, in my mind the damage was beyond Ms. Fix It’s ability and would need replacement. Of course I had too many other things going on at the time. The last thing I wanted to deal with was Home Depot! So I put it off for a few weeks which meant cleaning up water every time I used the sink. So annoying!

Continue reading “The Leaky Faucet”

Uncharted Territory

george-tandy-jrI witnessed something remarkable this morning. So much so, I had to reschedule the post I originally planned and squeeze in a few minutes to write this one. The Steve Harvey Morning Show gives me life some days! Aside from the foolishness that gets me laughing and helps me wake up in the morning (I’m so not a morning person!), it’s usually something Steve says or does that motivates me and inspires me to keep pushing. Today was one of those special mornings. I tuned in at the end of a song that I may have heard a few times on the radio but not much. I stuck around to see who the artist was and to my surprise Steve Harvey had him on the phone. His name is George Tandy Jr. and the song is called March.” I mean, I thought it was a great song but nothing could prepare me for the awesome display of support from Steve. Continue reading “Uncharted Territory”

The Lies You Tell

I channeled my inner Tamar with this one. I know the majority of you, at least the women, have heard the line “The lies you tell” being flaunted around by Tamar whenever she disapproves of what someone else is saying. I was reflecting on this song that I happen to love called “I Give Myself Away.” Now before you get all offended I know all about confession. I understand the meaning of speaking those things that aren’t as though they are. I also understand that doing so is just a bunch of words if you haven’t purposed in your heart to believe and ACT on what you are believing.

warOn this particular day we sung that song and instead of just singing the words, I shut my mouth and listened to the words. I meditated on what we were saying. I’ve sung that song many times and I truly felt it in my spirit but today was a little different. As I listened I began to think of all the things about myself that I hadn’t given away. You know those things that you find hard to give over control… to truly surrender. The pastor put it like this. In the world, when we surrender… when we wave the white flag it’s a sign of defeat. Think about it. When you’ve been cornered by the cops the first thing you do is raise your hands as sign of surrender. In battle, when your enemy waves the white flag, they’ve indicated that they’ve given up or lost the battle. When it comes to surrendering to God, it’s vital that we renew our minds. Yes we are giving ourselves away and surrendering our will but not because we lost… it’s because we want to win. We want to win in every area of our lives and we understand that the only way that’s possible is to surrender to His will for our lives. Continue reading “The Lies You Tell”


You probably took the title of this blog two ways. We often use the term “give it up” to communicate to someone to stop what they’re doing… or it’s a slang we use to indicate we intend to have sex… neither is what I’m referring to in today’s post. Most of you have heard the saying “It’s better to give than to receive” but who of you truly believes that? I know all of you would say you do but let’s evaluate your actions.

1. When you give someone a birthday card or gift do you get bent out of shape if they don’t say “thank you?”

2. When Christmas comes around and you don’t get a gift in return for the one you gave do you feel some kind of way and vow not to make the same mistake next year?

3. If you see someone in distress and offer to help in any way do you then reach out to them later to arrange a form of repayment?

4. If your neighbor needs help with raking the leaves or carrying groceries are you upset if they don’t offer to pay you for your services?

5. For my church folks… Do you tithe because you want something in return and not because it’s a command in the Bible? Continue reading “GIVE IT UP”

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